Friday, March 17, 2017

Obama had his infamous "hope and change" as the wealth divide is suffocating. Did we get it? No. And so this nation was set-up to receive another savior. But this time, even more fake than the prior. There was no improvement in employment, unless you are a failure in math or critical thinking. With 25 million added to the population over 8 years, to increase the employment by 11 or so million is not a gain on a real basis. Beyond the raw numbers there is a decline in various job quality aspects that are suppressed. What happened to the national debt to pump up the stock market while hurting the masses and causing a huge wealth divide? Yes, doubling of the debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion. You ever wonder why the GDP growth when spoken of "real terms" by our government refuse to properly account for deficit spending? If you had to borrow $1 to make $2, you made only $1 in real terms. We are back into massive asset bubbles in the stock market, housing, and more, and so what really got accomplished? Answer: The wealthy got coddled from egregious policies, particularly monetary policies of the private banking cartel, Federal Reserve which in effect appreciably widened the wealth divide, hurting most of the middle class.

With middle America hurting from the eight years under Obama, America was ready to put into power a new savior. Trump was more clear than Obama as he provided a few superficial messages to pull voters away from the career politicians:

During the campaign, Trump noted how Goldman Sachs is a ruinous operation. What does he do? You guessed it, loads his administration with those from Goldman Sachs. Trump use to say the Bureau of Labor Statistics put out phony jobs reports (the way in which the surveys are conducted, the specific wording, and how it's tabulated, in addition to their seasonal "adjustments" it is phony), but now, being the stock-pumping propagandist, he says the jobs reports are true. He use to complain about the phony economy as the Federal Reserve [unlawfully] manipulated up the stock market. He now brags about the stock market being manipulated up. Where's the talk about taking down the Federal Reserve? I hear nothing on this front - among the biggest problems this country has and yet there is dead silence on it. I strongly suspect the night of the election, with stock futures down nicely more than 4% in the direction of fair value for this masked economic depression of real GDP growth deeply negative upon proper accounting for the past 20 years, that Trump made a secret call to Janet Yellen to juice the market. Either this or an agent of the Federal Reserve contacted Trump and asked if he'd play along. Being Trump values his ego more than the status of the United States, you can clearly see what had to have happened. There is no other good reason why he flip-flopped on everything related to the economy, the jobs reports, Goldman Sachs, Janet Yellen, the Federal Reserve in general, and the stock market. There is no fundamental reason why the big jump occurred, especially on top of valuations already being 3 to 4 times overpriced per historical measures for an economy in the toilet. Now we are solidly at 4 times overpriced, making, in some ways, the biggest stock market bubble yet as it relates to the actual economic situation. And so all the gripes about the Federal Reserve during the campaign got many on-board to vote for the charlatan-in-chief and have been deeply disappointed. I am one such disappointed voter.

Trump hated the phony economy greatly influenced by the Federal reserve having low interest rates. Well, the duplicitous Trump has been pressuring the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates now that he is president! Can't everyone see what a fraud he is?

As a person, Trump is a creep. He's said some rather disgusting things and did things even more disgusting than he spoke about. His involvement with prostitutes, his walking in on beauty contestants while they were unclothed, and so much more, speaks of who he is. Go read this article for example:


I am on many email lists of the fake president. I get his daily stock-pumping propaganda with the ever-present "America is Winning" baloney. Truth is, America is losing at a faster rate than with Obama!

Additional evidence of Trump being a Zionist (hater of humanity):

Account shut down - no longer available

Donald Trump shameless Zionist president: Analyst

1st 100 Days Trump 1st Openly Zionist President - Prof Azadgan

Account shut down - no longer available, WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?


Sent the following to the White House on August 3, 2017, being upset how the stock market continues to be manipulated up and causing great losses to diligent investors and to the United States in general from the wider wealth divide it creates. I wrote to him in third person this time as opposed when I wrote him the much longer 4-piece email going into much detail about actual solutions to help this once great nation.

"Trump, the Propaganda Minister, the one who sends me email through various accounts each and every day telling me about how America is doing so well, how the jobs are coming back despite the actual 25% actual unemployment rate, how the stock market is wonderfully manipulated up far away from fair value and hurting this nation from the wide wealth divide it creates and of how the diligent investors are unjustly forced to lose, well how about being truthful to the American people, just once? When campaigning you acted like you cared but your true colors are showing now.

Why doesn't Trump get is head out of his ass and start caring about this country?
Proposed Solutions, Addressing the Underlying Problems.

I am down half my wealth on account of Trump aligned with the Zionists in unlawfully manipulating up the stock market. Actual unemployment at 25 percent. Real GDP growth upon proper accounting is deeply negative. Yes, deeply negative. it has been for the past 9 years and Trump is doing nothing to make it better. He loves the manipulated up stock market though. I bet he is too ignorant to factor in deficit spending in addition to using the actual inflation rate in computing the real GDP growth rate. Instead, just play with the numbers, wholly dismiss deficit spending and wallah, give LIES to the American people. Trump is shameful! Trump is no better than the career politicians. He quickly assimilated to run with lying propaganda as the rest do in government

Stock market is 4X overpriced. Diligent investors unjustly forced to lose. TRUMP IS A TRAITOR!"

I sent Trump an email in fours pieces recently. Apparently he really does not want to institute the means to promote economic prosperity. America continues to lose under him. The unlawful upward stock market manipulation under OBAMA was terrible but under Trump it's far worse! Comparing Trump with Obama and Trump is doing this country far more harm in under a year than Obama did in his 8 years!"

I exaggerated on the 8 years. It's more like 4 years but that's still 4X worse. The Stock market was nicely down more than 4% the night of the election when it was seen trump would be elected. That means the DOW jumped up either 4K or 5K points in far less than a years' time and the DOW moved up about 10K points in Obama's eight years as president. This is nothing to cheer about as I make the point at Stock Market Realities that the middle class loses from a rising stock market, through manipulation or not. The wealthy get almost all of the gains and the middle class help contribute to the wealthy getting their gains. Only the top of the middle class sort of break-even as they get pushed down in the wealth distribution but most all others in the middle class "invested" by going long the market actually make it far worse on themselves as the ensuing inflation they contributed in causing the wealthy to get far wealthier. Rent prices go higher, home prices go higher, making the cost of living to go up. Don't be fooled by the media in telling you higher asset prices are good - that's only from the perspective of the wealthy. When you do not own a corn farm, do you want corn prices higher? Of course not. The same applies to everything else.


  1. Yep all this has been obvious for some time now. We've been sold out again and nothing new. Repubs vs Dems keep it all going and the sheeple love the drama and picking a team.

  2. Many still have not made the recognition. The typical person wants an idol and can't let reason filter into their mind that goes against their idol.

    1. Aangirfan where I started learning.

  3. Exactly!! And this anti-boycott Israel bs (taking away our right to protest or boycott a foreign country), I cannot believe more haven't woken up!! They sure have done a great job programming the masses to stay lullabied, compliant and unprepared for what they are really doing.

    1. There's so much we should be boycotting. I strongly suggest boycotting Hollywood, the music industry, professional sports - until which time salaries get back down to Earth. I do not see why the poor want to make people millionaires to billionaires. The wealth divide is so ludicrous today. Just think, a guy on the sidelines in one football game may have earned $100K. Just how many years and effort does it take for an ordinary person to make that much?

  4. One can see Trump is for Israel first, USA last. Just look at the guy at the wailing wall wearing that little hat. He's a big sell-out. When others see what got him out of personal bankruptcy, they'd see him as a big fraud - not many, including myself, researched much about him until it was too late. It's amazing he hasn't been put into prison for all that he has done. When you avoid prosecution for so much done against humanity, you know you have a hidden hand behind the scene, just like for Bill Clinton and many others. Trump partied with Jeffrey Epstein - that should be plenty to go on.

    I shouldn't be down half my wealth with my excellent stock trading ability - the manipulation up is far more intense now than even under Obama. It's killing diligent investors and fleecing the middle class big time. I wish you would also view I have so much content in trying to edify society. All my effort and zero $ my way and yet being a government employee and get big bucks for hardly lifting a finger, sell your soul in some way to the system and you get coddled - be a thinker and be forced to lose.

    1. I just recently learned about the wailing wall, absolutely disgusting!! I just checked out one on the stock market, I honestly don't know anything about the stock market but your thoughts on how to correct the problem, starting at the source, from the top of the corruption and riding ourselves of that evil, makes sense to me. Unfortunately the majority still cannot see it all for what it truly is, which is both sad and sickening. I too failed to see or research the truth about Trump until it was too late and believed that he was actually going to make AMERICA great again, but it's blatantly obvious now that his loyalty is and always has been to israhell. There is a reason those of us awake to this are, all we can do is keep planting seeds and hope & pray they take root. Much Love, Peace and Blessings

    2. Thank you for your reply, Sarah. Write me at

      I think very few will actually open their eyes. I bet very few knew exactly who he was, having close dealings with him, and about all who will ever figure it out probably already did over the past couple of years. Just look at the 6 million holohoax - most people will never use the brain they were given to critically assess the facts.

      As far as the stock market goes, I wish everyone knew what was really going on. The Federal Reserve may actively be buying stocks or has another central bank do it, like the one for Switzerland. They do at least give the US Treasury Department all the money it wants to manipulate up the stock market. Believe me, the market up, manipulation or not, fleeces the middle class. I strongly suggest all in the middle class only to short sell the market, otherwise they are feeding into their own decline relative to the wealthy. It's a ponzi process unlike the stock market system I devised and presented in my book, Thoughtful Living". The more the middle class piles in to get their puny nominal gains, if any at all, the wealthy get big disproportionate gains. 401-K accounts are a sham. Since the 401-K accounts were getting fully taken advantage of by the middle class, do you see the middle class gaining or losing ground? The answer is obvious. The market is 4-8X overpriced. I am one who stands for the truth. I did my analysis. What I am offering to the public is far more than any Clinton or Trump could offer, yet my voice is nothing. I'm doing this no matter any monetary gain but would like if something did materialize. In any event it would be good if only I had one person near me who really understood all this.

      [Comment deleted above is because I needed to make one small edit...I had two "the" words if we can't edit without deleting and reposting....there's something that needs fixing everywhere]
